New H-Alpha Gallery

M42_in Ha

M42_in Ha

A new H-Alpha image gallery has been added to the gallery pages, under the Nebula tab.  This gallery contains monochrome images using the 7nm Orion H-Alpha filter.

You’ll notice a new format for this gallery.  This format allows the images to be shown full screen and is less restrictive than the old format.  It also allows image details to be included.  Just click on the image to bring up the details, and then the view more button for the full size image.  Seeing the full size image will also highlite all of the defects in my processing skills.

Eventually all of the image galleries will be converted to this new format.

Most of the images were captured before, or after asteroid measurement runs, so most of them were captured with only 1-2 hours of data collection. At a later date if additional RGB data is captured, those images will be added to the Nebula gallery.  I find it striking that so much contrast and detail can be captured in monochrome images. I hope you enjoy them. 

Here’s a link to the page

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